LUNYEE Grbl Offline Controller Board 3 Axis Offline Cnc Controller for 3018Pro 1610/2418/3018 Engraving Carving Milling Machine
1.8 Inch Offline:
1.GRBL control X/Y/Z three axis
2. Control interface return: set as origin
3. Offline main page, Y+ unlock
4. Offline main page, Y-return to zero
5. Offline main page, Z+Chinese and English switching
6. PWM pulse frequency duty cycle is adjustable, short press the main page Z+, Z- laser power/spindle speed
7. Short press the homepage EXIT, the maximum spindle speed is 1000/10000 switch (the speed when PWM is set to100% duty cycle)
8. Support files: NC, NCC, TAP, TXT, Gcode, GCO, NL, CUT, CNC
9. Built-in battery time adjustment
10. Free 128MB memory card
11. Support SD/TF memory card
Product Include:
1*1.8 Inch Offline Controller Board
1*TF Card

Note: The button color of One Inch Offline is updated to red and blue. 1.8 inch offline buttons are red and yellow

● File engraving: After the offline board is saved in the file, it can be connected to the GRBL control board for engraving, no need to connect to the computer.
● SD card capacity can be identified below 4G.
● The corresponding button on the offline controller controls the corresponding action. SPN is the spindle control and SPIN is valid. Press the SMOD button to directly switch the distance of each button from 0.1mm to 10mm.
● This page exits by pressing and holding the back button. After exiting, save the current position as the engraving starting point X0Y0Z0.
● The system recognizes up to 200 valid files at a time. (***.TXT ***.txt ***.NC ***.nc ***.CNC ***.cnc ***.TAP ***.tap Several files are identifiable, not supported Chinese name and long file name)
● Press Y+ or Y- to select the file to be engraved. Press the Enter key to enter the engraving page.After entering the confirmation page, press the enter key to start the engraving.
● To abandon the engraving halfway, press and hold the back button to return to the file selection page. (The machine will not stop immediately because the GRBL control board has already stored a part of the G code in the buffer and will stop after the execution)
Note: Due to express company restrictions, CR1220 batteries need to be purchased by customers themselves.

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