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LUNYEE 3018 PRO MAX CNC gép 500W teljesen fém CNC router gép

24 vélemény
Eladási ár$329.00 Normál áron$399.00

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【500 W-os orsó és nagy sebességű CNC】 Az 500 W-os orsó erős és sokoldalú, egyenletes teljesítményt biztosít olyan kemény anyagokon, mint az alumínium és a réz.
【Teljes fémszerkezet】 A teljesen fémből készült kialakítás biztosítja a tartósságot és a stabilitást, megerősített alumínium felhasználásával, amely ellenáll a nagy terheléseknek és a kemény körülményeknek.
【Kompatibilis az ipari szoftverrel】 32 bites alaplapot tartalmaz GRBL F1.1 firmware-rel, amely kompatibilis különféle tervezőszoftverekkel. Könnyen használható a mellékelt beállítási utasításokkal.
【Biztonsági jellemzők】 Hat végálláskapcsolóval és egy vészleállító kapcsolóval felszerelve a felhasználó és a munkadarab biztonsága érdekében.
【Szabványos egyéves garancia】 A LUNYEE garantálja, hogy a termék normál beltéri használat és körülmények között gyártási és anyaghibáktól mentes, az eredeti számla dátumának megfelelő egy évig.
【Közvetlen gyártói árképzés】 Gyártóként versenyképes árakat kínálunk. Forduljon hozzánk bármikor a CNC- és lézergépekkel kapcsolatos műszaki támogatásért.
LUNYEE 3018 PRO MAX CNC gép 500W teljesen fém CNC router gép
LUNYEE 3018 PRO MAX CNC gép 500W teljesen fém CNC router gép Eladási ár$329.00 Normál áron$399.00
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Johnathon A.
Hong Kong SAR China Hong Kong SAR China

Mechanically a solid little machine

Received the router and put it together. It assembles easily and is fairly intuitive. Mechanically it is built well. The X axis has linear ways which I think will help the rigidity for milling aluminium.

Lunyee Laser Cutter 3018 PRO MAX CNC Machine 500W All-Metal CNC Router Machine Review
Hong Kong SAR China Hong Kong SAR China

Great hobby, easy to get started with this well built router.

I needed a hobby for the winter and this is it. I have worked around manufacturing for most of my life so I am familiar with machining but this was my first jump into something like this. My journey has just started but I wanted to share a few things that I like about this router and a few things that I learned on the way. Equipment itself - Overall it is heavier than I was expecting - very solid and well built. The components are easily replaceable for any future upgrades or maintenance needed. - The mechanical assembly was very easy. Most of the pieces are prebuilt so it is just attaching the gantry, hang the power supply and screw on the circuit board. One tip is to use a square/right angle to make sure the gantry is perfectly square to the base. - There were no wiring instructions but I went onto YouTube and there are a few videos that show it well. All total it didn't take much time at all to assemble and the wire paths look nice compared to pictures of other similar routers. - Software - There was a thumb drive that came with it but I personally could not get anything to work from it. I went online and downloaded EASEL (Drawing program) and UGS (Sends the program to the router). There is also Candle software (Sends the program to the router) that also seemed to work as well. Two things you need to know is your COM port and your version of windows (64bit vs 32bit). These are all free software, very intuitive and have good videos on YouTube to get started. - Spindle/solid z axis. I'm glad I went with this unit that already has the larger 500W spindle for the extra power. I was comparing this unit to other competitor products and this had the upgrades that you would do anyway. The z axis is solid and has plenty of travel for what I need. I'm mostly cutting 6" wide by 1/2" thick boards but you could do 2" thick material pretty easily. The cutting motion is very solid and smooth. This type of machining is not jerky like a 3D printer. - Customer service. I did have one component that needed to be replaced. I saw it online for $9 but sent an email to Lunyee and they responded the next day and had me running very quickly. Most of the components on this machine can be replaced pretty easily but it is nice to know that there is great customer service available if there is an issue I can't resolve myself.

Lunyee Laser Cutter 3018 PRO MAX CNC Machine 500W All-Metal CNC Router Machine Review

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