What are the advantages of a CNC router?
Why is CNC machine instead of other machine?CNC routers, which are often computer-controlled, direct the machine to cut the material or create the necessary product design. Processing is done on a ...
Află mai multeWhat materials can I engrave with my CNC router?
Most materials may be engraved using a CNC router, particularly in the following industries: Plywood, medium density fiberboard, and wood are the principal materials. For cutting and engraving acry...
Află mai multeCNC router vs. CNC machine, what is the difference?
The primary difference between CNC engraving and laser engraving is that a CNC machine utilizes a spinning spindle with an end mill attachment to drill into the material to make the desired engravi...
Află mai multeHow to use the axis of rotation?
A rotating object is one that has an axis. The straight line between the spinning item and the platform is the axis of rotation. Lunyee's engraving machines, motors, and gearboxes all employ a rota...
Află mai multeWhat is the difference between 3018pro and 3018plus?
The 3018pro and 3018plus engraving machines are updated versions of the 3018 machine. They differ in terms of their outward appearance, inner makeup, power supply, control board, etc. Discover thei...
Află mai multeWhat should be prepared before using the engraving machine?
The key preparatory tasks include turning on the smoke-blowing and fume extraction machinery and cleaning the reflecting lens and focal length lens. Here are some points to assist beginner laser en...
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