How accurate is the laser engraving machine?
Today, cut width can be extremely small with laser cutting (less than 0.0001 inch) whilst dimensional accuracy is almost as precise (at approximately ± 0.0005 inch).
Află mai multeHow to maintain your laser engraver?
One of the best ways to keep a laser engraver operating at peak performance is to clean the optics (mirrors and lens) once a week. Smoke, resin and other contaminants can accumulate inside the mirr...
Află mai multeDo I need a computer to use the laser engraver?
The laser engraving machine is a device controlled by CNC, and a computer is essential. You need a working computer so that you can create or import the graphic designs you want on the software.
Află mai multeThe laser module is a critical component of a laser engraving equipment. It may significantly extend the life of the laser tube and enhance output power.click and get some precaution tips!
Află mai multeHow can I check my laser performance?
It is important to frequently examine the performance of the laser because it has an impact on the quality of the items produced by laser engraving.click and check out these useful tips.
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